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Class Reader 2

Pastor Clayton was Ms JJ and Ms Susan's class reader on January 28, 2020.  The kids enjoyed having him read books to them and by the looks of it, he also enjoyed being their Guest Reader.  Thanks for hanging out with us and sharing some stories with us.

Class Reader

Pastor Clayton was Ms JJ and Ms Susan's class reader on January 28, 2020.  The kids enjoyed having him read books to them and by the looks of it, he also enjoyed being their Guest Reader.  Thanks for hanging out with us and sharing some stories with us.

Class Reader 3

Pastor Clayton was Ms JJ and Ms Susan's class reader on January 28, 2020.  The kids enjoyed having him read books to them and by the looks of it, he also enjoyed being their Guest Reader.  Thanks for hanging out with us and sharing some stories with us.

Science Exploration!

Ms Susan and Ms Adrienne's class is doing some Science exploration using the Preschool's new light table!


Toddler Exploration!

We encourage all of our children to play, explore and use their imagination every day.  In this picture, Mikey, from one of our toddler classes is exploring the oven in the kitchen area of his room.  He just loves climbing in, closing the door and popping out to surprise us!


2019-20 Staff Dedication

On Sunday, August 25, 2019, a Staff Installation service was held at the 11:00 service of Faith Lutheran Church to install our Preschool Teachers for the current school year.  We had a wonderful showing from our staff, who came to receive blessings and prayers for a successful school year.


Learning Music


We enjoy Music with Ms Mara.  Trying new instruments and learning new songs.

Spanish Class


We attend Spanish class with Ms Gina.

Learning Different Skills


We learn and practice many different skills during our day.

Gross Motor Skills



We enjoy some recess time, both on our playground or in our gym, where we help develop our gross motor skills with a variety of play activity.

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip


We "take" a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch in the Fall (but it really comes to us). 

Safety Drills!


We practice safety drills, so that we are prepared and know what to do if it should ever really happen.

Learning more skills


We practice our skills using a variety of ways.  Here, we are cutting with scissors and writing to increase our fine motor skills, and practicing our Math skills using different activities.



We do different Science experiments to learn about how our world reacts.

We love our Parent/Grandparent Volunteers


We love it when our parents, grandparents and family friends come into our classrooms to read to us, or to teach us about their jobs.  We learn that there are great stories to be read (fostering our love for reading and learning) and that we can grow up to become whatever we want. 

Scavenger Hunt


We learn about the things God created by hunting for items in nature.

Farm Day Field Trip


We enjoy Field Trips and the best part is that come to us.  This is Farm Day fun.

Fire Safety


We get visits from our local Fire Dept so that we can learn about Fire Safety and what to do to protect ourselves. 

And sometimes, even our teachers get in on the fun!

Increase our Creativity


Ms Susan and Ms Cathy help us to increase our creative play by "taking" us camping and letting us make s'mores around the campfire! 

Learning in different ways


We learn and practice our skills using different media types, which allows us to not only learn but experience new things and learn while playing "outside the box".

Creative Play


Hands on learning provides many new skills.

We love Art!


We love to do art and our teachers know that we love experience different ways to express our selves.  We learn about different artists and we even create our own masterpeices, sometimes by imitating their techniques.

What Can We Build and How?


We explore building many things and with various types of materials, fostering our creativity.

Music Class

Ms Heidi and Ms Abby's Three year olds having fun in Music Class.


NLSW 2017-2018

We had some Super Hero's come to visit us for National Lutherans School Week 2017-2018!null

New Preschool Wing

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